Weekend Reads
- Written by Scott Anderson, the New York Times has a special feature of how the 2003 American invasion of Iraq and its aftermath fractured the Arab world.
- As Dipa Karmakar attempts her Produnova in Rio today, Aniruddha Ghosal from the Indian Express travels to Tripura, India’s gymnastics capital, to trace how it all began with a SAI centre in Patiala.
- As Prime Minister Modi raises the issue of human rights abuse by Pakistan in Balochistan to counter Pakistan’s views on Kashmir, in the Nation, Yogeena Veena explains how Balochistan became a part of Pakistan.
- In the Hindu Business Line, Vivek Singh travels to Kokrajhar and writes about how violence has scared this region in Assam.
- In Further Field, Dmytri Kleiner tells you how a universal basic income is something that will actually make the poorest even poorer.
- In the Paris Review, Edward White writes about Seyahatname, one of history’s greatest travelogues written by the seventeenth century writer, Turkish Evliya Çelebi.
- How the invention of the alphabet usurped female power in society and sparked the rise of patriarchy in human culture explains Maria Popova in Brain Pickings.
- In the Hindu Business Line, Zac O’Yeah writes about travelling to the Kerala town of Thalassery, to which the world’s first heavy metal band might owe its existence.
- In the Hindustan Times, Ramachandra Guha explains why you don't need to know Hindi, be a Hindu or hate Pakistan to be an Indian.
- James Flynn, one of the world’s foremost researchers in human intelligence, has a TED talk that explains why IQ scores have shot up in the last century.
— Stephan Pastis (@stephanpastis) August 13, 2016