A group of Indian Olympians and Arjuna awardees backed the Supreme Court’s recent decision to appoint a two-member committee to oversee reforms in the Board of Control for Cricket in India after the removal of Anurag Thakur and Ajay Shirke and backed ex-cricketers Bishen Singh Bedi and Kirti Azad to take up the posts, reported PTI on Wednesday.

“The Honourable Supreme Court has given the onerous responsibility of suggesting names of eminent people who shall comprise a committee to oversee reforms in BCCI and state bodies which have been bedevilled by controversies and malfeasance,” they said in a media statement.

This group of distinguished Indian sportspeople added, “Kirti Azad and Bishen Bedi are amongst the two most eminent cricketers and administrators who have done yeoman service to the game of cricket by helping in the clean-up of the BCCI and should be first choices for being made members of the proposed committee to be suggested by Shri Anil Divan and Shri Gopal Subramanian.”

Among those who backed Bedi and Azad were hockey Olympians Ashok Kumar, MK Kaushik, Gurbax Singh, Balbir Singh, Joaquim Carvalho, athletes Ashwini Nachappa, Reeth Abraham, Vandana Rao and Edward Sequeira, swimmer Nisha Millet and shuttler Jwala Gutta.