Leicester City left-back Christian Fuchs wasn’t in a mood to hold anything back when he hosted an “Ask Me Anything” session on popular social networking website Reddit on Tuesday.

In response to a question on the toughest player he ever played against, Fuchs replied, “Arjen Robben. He is simply horrible to defend. Everybody knows him. Everybody knows what he does. The problem is the when part. When is he cutting inside. And by the second you realise he does, the ball most likely is already in the back of the net.”

Apart from that, Fuchs also revealed the emotional journey he went through when he watched Chelsea take on Tottenham Hotspur last season. Leicester’s fairytale title win hinged on the result and things seemed tricky when Spurs got a 2-0 lead. But, as it turned out, Chelsea fought back to get a 2-2 draw and give Leicester the title.

“Horrible because you couldn’t affect it in any way,” wrote Fuchs. “I changed my body position from standing to sitting to laying to screaming to not breathing to hiding my face every minute. These were physically my hardest 90 minutes. Next day my whole body hurt. But it paid off. Good pain!!!!”

The 31-year-old also revealed that it was former Leicester manager Nigel Pearson who convinced him to make the move to Leicester City: “He said he really wants me to join and that I would play a major role in his plans, I believed him.”

Reddit’s AMA sessions are a platform where popular celebrities are invited to answer questions from users of the popular social networking site. Read the full AMA on this link.