Government-funded and recognised madrassas are giving admission to non-Muslim students and imparting religious education, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights alleged on Thursday, reported ANI.

The child rights body has asked all states and Union Territories to conduct a detailed inquiry into the allegations, including physical verification of such students at the madrassas. It also ordered mapping of madrassas which have not been recognised in order to find non-Muslim children studying at such institutions.

The child rights body made the allegations citing complaints it has received from sources which it did not identify.

“Further, it is also learnt by the commission that some state/UT government/s are providing them with scholarships too,” the letter stated.

The letter added that such actions violate Article 28(3) that prohibits government-funded and recognised institutions from imparting religious education.

In a letter to chief secretaries of all states and Union Territories, the body directed the authorities to make arrangements so that the non-Muslim children studying in madrassas could be given admissions to schools to receive formal education.

“It is pertinent to mention that the Constitution of India makes it an obligation of the state to provide free and compulsory education to all children without any discrimination or prejudice and ensure that children go to neighborhood schools for availing formal education as per Section 6 of the RTE [Right to Education] Act, 2009,” the letter added.

The body also asked the states and Union Territories to submit a report within 30 days.