The Karnataka government has approached the Supreme Court challenging the Karnataka High Court’s order granting bail to actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, his partner Pavitra Gowda and other persons accused in the Renukaswamy murder case, reported Live Law.

On October 30, the High Court granted interim bail to Thoogudeepa for six weeks to undergo surgery. It granted regular bail to Thoogudeepa, Gowda and five other persons accused on December 13, 2024.

Thoogudeepa was arrested on June 11 in connection with the murder of a 33-year-old man named Renukaswamy, who was his fan.

Apart from Thoogudeepa and Gowda, 15 others were booked for their alleged involvement in Renukaswamy’s murder.

Renukaswamy had allegedly been sending abusive messages and comments to Gowda. On June 9, his body was recovered from a drain in the Summanahalli area of Bengaluru.

Subsequently, Thoogudeepa was arrested for the alleged murder.

A chargesheet was filed days after a Bengaluru court on August 27 allowed the police to shift Thoogudeepa to the Ballari district prison from Parappana Agrahara Central Jail in Bengaluru as reports emerged that he was being given preferential treatment in custody.

Nine central jail officials in Bengaluru were suspended after a photograph showing Thoogudeepa sitting on a prison lawn in the company of three other inmates was widely shared on social media.