The Hyderabad Police on Saturday, registered a case against producer Daggubati Suresh Babu, his sons Rana Daggubati and Abhiram Daggubati, and brother Daggubati Venkatesh over the demolition of the Deccan Kitchen Hotel in the city’s Film Nagar area, The News Minute reported.

In November 2022, the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation partially demolished the hotel and adjoining structures built by businessman Nanda Kumar on land leased from the Daggubati family in 2014. The civic body alleged the structures were “unauthorised”.

In July 2023, the Telangana High Court sought an explanation from the civic body regarding the demolition and ordered status quo to be maintained at the property, Hindustan Times reported.

The Daggubati family and Kumar have been embroiled in a separate dispute over the property, for which Kumar signed a lease agreement in August 2014.

“While the lease was in operation, the complainant [Kumar] and Venkatesh entered into a memorandum of understanding to jointly develop the property after the expiry of the lease,” the case’s first information report says, according to The Times of India.

Kumar has alleged that despite this, the Daggubati family tried to force him out of the property during the lease period, prompting him to file an injunction against them in 2018.

In January 2024, the Daggubati family demolished the structure.

This prompted Kumar to file a fresh complaint alleging that the Daggubati family tried to wrongfully evict him from the property and then “illegally” demolished it. Kumar alleged that the hotel was razed despite the injunction in the City Civil Court.

According to ANI, Kumar had approached the police in the matter but no action was taken. He also claimed to have suffered a loss of Rs 20 crore due to the demolition.

Kumar is one of three persons accused in a case concerning an alleged attempt to poach four Bharat Rashtra Samithi MLAs for the Bharatiya Janata Party in 2022 and is currently out on bail.

The 2022 case filed under the Prevention of Corruption Act accuses a Hindu seer named D Simhayaji, his disciple Ramachandra Bharati alias Satiesh Sharma and Kumar of trying to lure the four Bharat Rashtra Samithi MLAs to join the Bharatiya Janata Party by offering them large amounts of money.