The Opposition kicked up a row in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday after Ram Shankar Katheria, a Union minister, made an inflammatory speech at a prayer meeting for a murdered Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader in Agra. Katheria, minister of state in the human resource development ministry, had said the Hindu community was "facing a conspiracy" and that it should strengthen itself and "set an example". Congress leader Anand Sharma moved an adjournment motion in the Rajya Sabha over the issue.

The Congress on Monday had demanded that Katheria resign immediately, reported dna. The Opposition also asked the Uttar Pradesh government to initiate action against everyone who attended the meeting where VHP activists threatened the Muslim community. They said the activists' call to take up arms was completely unconstitutional.

VHP leader Arun Mahaur was allegedly murdered by a man named Shahrukh on February 25. During a prayer meeting held in his memory, Katheria had said that more such murders will take place in the future unless the Hindu community "gets strong" and fights back. Babu Lal, an MP from Fatehpur Sikri, who was also present at the meeting, said the Hindu community will show its real strength if Muslims provoke them.

Defending his speech, Katheria said Mahaur was killed as he was working against beef smugglers in the district, who he says are all Muslims. Police, however, said they are investigating the murder, and are yet to find any proof to substantiate the VHP's claims.