Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey says the 140-character limit is here to stay
Speaking on the Today Show, he said the site's trademark feature 'is a good constraint'.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Friday put to rest speculation that the microblogging site was nixing its “micro” aspect, saying they were definitely keeping the 140-character limit. Speaking on the Today Show, Dorsey said of the limit, “It’s staying. It’s a good constraint for us, and it allows for of-the-moment brevity.”
In January, reports emerged that Twitter was considering expanding its tweet limit to 10,000 characters. Users responded with concern and outrage, saying this would undermine the very feature that makes Twitter what it is. According to the January reports, Twitter wanted to keep the same 140-character visual, but give users the options to “read more” at the bottom of the tweet. Clicking on this would expand it to show more content, a move the site makers hoped would boost their user base, which has plateaued in recent years with people moving to other sites for comprehensive material.