US' Green Party wants Bernie Sanders to continue his presidential bid as their candidate
The fourth largest party in the country, with its left-wing politics, is considered a fringe player in a system dominated by Republicans and Democrats.

The United States’ Green Party has invited Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders to continue his bid for President as their nominee. While Sanders was unable to secure more votes than rival Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, he had gathered widespread grassroots support, especially among the country’s young people.
Jill Stein, the Green Party’s current probable candidate on Friday said she was willing to step aside if her “political twin” Sanders wanted to run. According to The Guardian, Stein said a large number of Sanders supporters are now looking to the Green Party as they do not want to support Clinton. The party needs to secure at least 15% in the national polling for their candidature to be considered in the presidential race.
Stein has reportedly emailed Sanders about the proposition, but he has not replied yet. The news comes at a time when Sanders is reportedly expected to finally give in and endorse Clinton.
In a race dominated by the Democrats and the Republicans, the Green Party is considered a fringe player in US politics. It is the country’s fourth largest party, and takes up left-wing causes such as environment protection, social justice and LGBT rights, all issues Sanders also supports.
The US presidential race has been highly polarised, with many considering presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump a poor option given his often racist and sexist positions. Hillary Clinton has also gathered a large number of critics owing to her closeness with the major corporation and Wall Street, as well as problematic decisions while serving in her various political capacities.