The police on Thursday arrested around 500 people from across Kashmir as a pre-emptive step to curb street protests in the Valley. A police spokesperson told PTI that 349 accused have been arrested while 122 people have been detained under "prohibitory provisions of law".

The crackdown was initiated in the wake of fresh violence in the state. A police official said the security agencies were using video footage and photographs to identify the "trouble mongers and instigators" among the protestors. The move, however, has been widely criticised by separatist groups, who accused the security forces of "harassing peaceful protestors" under the guise of maintaining law and order.

National Conference President Omar Abdullah took a jab at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, asking when the Centre would wake up to Kashmir's reality. In a series of tweets, Abdullah suggested that the Centre had been misleading in telling the Supreme Court that the situation was improving.

On Wednesday, the toll rose to 51 after an ATM guard succumbed to pellet injuries. Almost a dozen people were injured, including many security force personnel. Authorities also extended curfew to more areas of the Valley.

Violence has rocked the Valley since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani was gunned down on July 8. Close to 6,000 people have been injured in the protests.