Taxi and autorickshaw unions in Mumbai will not go on strike from Monday, as they had previously announced, after the state government agreed to hear their demands against app-based aggregators such as Ola and Uber. The decision came after Transport Minister Diwakar Raote promised that he and Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis would meet them to discuss the matter on September 1. Union leaders said they will begin their strike from that day if the meeting is not fruitful.

Representatives of the Swabhiman Taxi and Rickshaw Sanghatana and Jai Bhagwan Taxi Rickshaw Sanghatana had announced that they would go on strike from August 29, demanding that services such as Ola and Uber be banned immediately. They had also asked for regulations to be set up for the taxi aggregators, which they claim are eating into their businesses while enjoying freedom from government norms.