The Bengaluru police have acquired video footage connected to the murder of a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh worker on October 17, India Today reported on Thursday. R Rudresh was hacked to death by two motorcycle-borne assailants while he was on his way home from attending an RSS meeting in the area.

The CCTV footage of a medical shop close to where Rudresh was murdered, along with eyewitness accounts, have helped police identify the attackers, according to the report. Earlier, officials said they believed the motive for Rudresh’s killing was personal rivalry.

However, both the RSS and Bharatiya Janata Party have claimed that the murder was part of a series of attempts to “eliminate” workers from the organisation. Karnataka BJP president BS Yeddyurappa demanded an inquiry by the National Investigation Agency into the murders of all Sangh workers in the state, according to The New Indian Express. “Karnataka is turning into a state of murders,” Yeddyurappa said, adding that his party would call for a state-wide bandh if no arrests were made in the next three to four days.

Separately, the Bengaluru unit of the RSS called for protests across 125 locations in the city on Thursday. The RSS and the BJP had also held agitations the day Rudresh was killed.