US President Donald Trump attacks 'fake news' media at a 2020 campaign rally in Florida
He talked about the promises he had kept – building a wall along the US-Mexico border and deporting 'bad people'.

United States President Donald Trump on Saturday made a series attack on the media while addressing over 9,000 supporters at a rally in Melbourne, Florida. Stating that he was “fighting the press”, Trump said, “When the media lies to people, I will never ever let them get away with it,” according to The Guardian.
Trump also referred to the press criticism of former presidents – Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. “We are not going to let the fake news tell us what to do, how to live and what to believe,” he added. He also accused reporters of being “part of the corrupt system”. “We will continue to expose them,” Trump said, while the crowd cheered. “Their agenda is not your agenda.”
Trump was speaking in an airplane hangar and had landed there on Air Force One. He talked about the promises he had kept – building a wall along the US-Mexico border and deporting “bad people”, Reuters reported. Trump had filed papers for the 2020 presidential elections hours after being sworn in as president of the United States on January 20.
When asked about starting a campaign already, Trump said, “Life is a campaign. Making our country great again is a campaign.”
Trump said the White House was running “so smoothly” contrary to the media reports. He also said a plan would be developed to destroy the Islamic State. He further promised to create more jobs in the country, rebuild the military and to provide Americans with a “great healthcare plan”.
Ever since he came to power Trump has attacked the media, repeatedly calling it dishonest and “fake”. “Unfortunately, much of the media in Washington DC, along with New York and Los Angeles in particular, speaks not for the people but for the special interests of those profiting off a very, very obviously broken system,” he had said on Thursday.