Congress leader Shashi Tharoor and Trinamool Congress MP Derek O’ Brien on Saturday posted pictures using the Snapchat dog filter. This came a day after the Mumbai Police had filed a First Information Report against comedy collective All India Bakchod for posting a meme showing Prime Minister Narendra Modi using same Snapchat filter.

The Congress’ MP from Thiruvananthapuram posted the image after being prodded by several people on Twitter while defending the AIB’s freedom of expression.

Earlier in the day, Derek O’ Brien tried it too.

It's the weekend. Time for a little bit of fun 😉😉😉

A post shared by Derek O'Brien (@quizderek) on

The AIB meme that had caused furore showed a doctored image of Modi standing at a railway station using the filter, accompanied by the hashtag #wanderlust, presumably taking a dig at the prime minister’s frequent foreign visits.