Kerala asks Adani Group to pay Rs 18-crore compensation for delays in Vizhinjam seaport project
The state sent a legal notice to the group for not complying with the terms of the contract.

The Kerala government on Friday sought Rs 18-crore compensation from the Adani Group for delays in commissioning the first phase of the International Multipurpose Deepwater Seaport project at Vizhinjam port.
The state sent a legal notice to the group for not complying with the terms of the contract. The Adani Group, which has missed the deadline, is liable to pay Rs 12 lakh every day till the first phase is commissioned, Madhyamam reported. The company is yet to respond to the notice.
Earlier this month, the government had refused to give the group more time to commission the first phase. The group had asked the government for a 16-month extension, citing the damage caused by the Ockhi cyclone in November 2017. The cyclone damaged two dredgers, which have been pulled out for repairs, the group said.
The group began construction in December 2015. The port, located around 16 km south of the capital Thiruvananthapuram, will be operated on a public private partnership basis between the Kerala government and Adani Vizhinjam Ports Ltd.