Amazon India deletes actor Swara Bhasker’s tweet endorsing the company after Twitter outrage
Twitter users threatened to boycott the e-tailer for associating with Bhasker, who they have targeted for demanding justice for the Kathua victim.

Amazon India has deleted an endorsement tweet by actress Swara Bhasker after the e-commerce giant faced outrage and a boycott campaign on social media, The Indian Express reported on Sunday.
On April 19, the actor tweeted in support of the e-commerce company with the hashtags #AjnabiShaharKiGoogly and #ChonkpurCheetahs. Amazon India replied to her post and also featured it in their campaign.
When I made the big move to a new city, all I wanted was a swanky music system, music being my passion! No matter how much I hunted for it, couldn't find anything of my choice. In fact, I only got confused! #AjnabiShaharKiGoogly #ChonkpurCheetahs @amazonIN
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) April 19, 2018
However, the e-commerce giant deleted the post after an online backlash. Amazon India is yet to comment on its decision.
Several Twitter users have criticised the company for associating with Bhasker, who recently tweeted in support of a campaign demanding justice for the family of an eight-year-old girl in Kathua who was allegedly gangraped, and then murdered. The tweet shows the actor holding a poster with the words “I am Hindustan. I am Ashamed. 8 years old. Gangraped. Murdered. In ‘Devi’-sthaan temple. #Kathua”. Several other celebrities too tweeted similar photos in support of the campaign demanding justice for the Kathua victim.
I am Hindustan. I am Ashamed. #JusticeForOurChild #JusticeForAasifa
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) April 13, 2018
8 years old. Gangraped. Murdered.
In ‘Devi’-sthaan temple. #Kathua and lest we forget #unnao Shame on us! #BreakTheSilence #EndTheComplicity #ActNow
Twitters users called for a boycott of all actors who protested against the incident and called it “anti-Hindu” and “anti-national”.
Soon after, a few users started using the hashtag #BoycottAmazon, reported The Indian Express. They demanded that the actress be removed from brand endorsements or else they would uninstall and boycott Amazon’s app and services.
#BoycottAmazon Bye Amazon, I had bought a new book from Amazon just last month, have bought all my books from Amazon, but it is time to move on. Please don’t associate with people who hurt Hindu religious sentiments. @amazonIN
— Sajith Sasidharan (@SajithSasidhar2) April 22, 2018
Hey @amazonIN @amazon I am Amazon Prime member US for years and amazon India for my parents and spend a lot of money every month if you don't dissociate with @ReallySwara a motivated hindu abuser I will boycott you and buy from walmart offering free shipping too #BoycottAmazon
— areva (@areva57938844) April 19, 2018
— Chitti 2.0 The Robot (@BiharKaLal) April 19, 2018
We will hit you where it hurts the most
Hey @amazonIN I've been an Amazon prime member for years now have spent double digits lakhs buying stuff from your portal. But if don't dissociate yourself with @ReallySwara who indulged in abusing Hindus, I'm gonna boycott you and will never buy a thing#BoycottAmazon
— Insanely Sane (@Sanity_3) April 19, 2018
As the #BoycottAmazon hashtag started trending, several users also tweeted in support of Swara Bhasker and Amazon India.
Dear @amazonIN, Just gave you 5 rating. Don't get bothered by these 'bhakts' screaming #BoycottAmazon. @ReallySwara good work. #IsupportSwara #iSupportAmazon #BoycottBhakts #SupportFreeSpeech #FreeSpeech #FreeIndia
— Christopher Whyte (@chris_whyte8) April 22, 2018
#ISupportSwara speaking up against rape is anti-hindu now? what kind of Hindus are these that they want the right to rape unquestioned! if they want to boycott Amazon, let these bigots go. we'll support you. Stand up for basic principles. @amazonIN #standyourground @ReallySwara
— Resistance Duty (@ResistanceDuty) April 22, 2018
Oh my god. When I saw the trend #BoycottAmazon I thought some cheating or fraud has happened with customers. I couldn’t even think pro Rapist bhakts could be behind this. I shop frm @amazonIN n would continue doing it. @ReallySwara #ISupportSwara
— Sakshi Joshi (@sakshijoshii) April 19, 2018