The United States White House said on Thursday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has submitted its report on the supplemental background inquiry into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Raj Shah, the White House spokesperson, said it is “fully confident” that the Senate will will vote to confirm Kavanaugh to the top court.

Senate Republicans were reading the FBI report the White House forwarded, Bloomberg reported. Shah said senators – both Republican and Democratic – will have ample time to review the report before the Friday vote.

“This is the last addition to the most comprehensive review of a Supreme Court nominee in history, which includes extensive hearings, multiple committee interviews, over 1,200 questions for the record and over a half million pages of documents,” Shah said on Twitter. “With this additional information, the White House is fully confident the Senate will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.”

Three women have accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault. Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee heard both Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, one of the complainants. The committee voted to forward Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Senate. But Republican Senator Jeff Flake called for a one-week delay in the full vote there, so that the FBI could conduct an inquiry. The opposition Democratic Party has been in favour of an FBI investigation.

The Republican Party controls the Senate with a slim 51-49 majority. The Senate vote is expected to be held on Friday.