Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal questioned the law-and-order situation in Delhi after a group of armed men reportedly opened fire at AAP councillor Jitendra Kumar’s home on Thursday evening. “What is going on in Delhi?” Kejriwal tweeted on Friday morning.

Unlike in other states, the police in Delhi reports to the Union home ministry and not the state government.

Kumar has alleged that the gunmen threatened to kill him and tried to break into his home. The incident appeared to be “politically driven”, ANI quoted the Sangam Vihar councillor as saying.

The AAP leader said his relatives were at home when the firing began around 6.30 pm, the Hindustan Times reported. “After hearing the gun shots, we immediately locked ourselves in rooms and called the police,” Kumar said. “There were 20 to 25 people who fired around 10 rounds.”

However, the gunmen had escaped by the time the police arrived.

Joint Commissioner of Police (south eastern range) Devesh Chandra Srivsatava said at least six empty bullet shells were found around Kumar’s house. “Initial enquiry revealed that the councillor had an altercation with some locals over an issue two days ago,” Srivastava said. “The suspects are being identified. Appropriate legal action would be taken as per law.”

Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Vijayanta Arya said the incident was the fallout of an argument between Kumar’s neighbour and a man over public urination. Kumar, however, said that incident had nothing to do with the attack.