Actor-turned-politician Rajinikanth said on Sunday that he will not contest the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He added that his party, the Rajini Makkal Mandram, will not back or enter into an alliance with any political party, The Hindu reported.

“The Tamil Nadu Assembly elections are our focus,” the actor said in a statement. The term of the present Tamil Nadu legislature ends in 2021.

“One of Tamil Nadu’s main issues is water,” Rajinikanth added. “In the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, I would urge people to introspect and vote for whichever party they think can form a stable government at the Centre as well as solve Tamil Nadu’s water crisis.”

“No party should use my picture or outfit’s logo,” the actor said, according to NDTV. He also asked people strictly not to use his photograph or party symbol for any propaganda.

Rajinikanth made the announcement after meeting with 32 district representatives of the Rajini Makkal Mandram at his Poes Garden residence in Chennai in the morning.