Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday claimed that his administration has ensured the highest growth rate and lowest inflation in the post-liberalisation era, PTI reported. Modi said his government’s performance has bypassed that of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance, whose reign was allegedly marked by a “competition for corruption”.

He was speaking at the Economic Times’ Global Business Summit in New Delhi. The prime minister reiterated his vision to make India a $10-trillion economy and the world’s third largest.

The prime minister said he wanted an India of countless startups. “There was competition on who could do maximum corruption, there was competition on who could do the fastest corruption, there was a competition on who could do most innovation in corruption,” Modi said in reference to the UPA era.

India, Modi claimed, was facing a total policy paralysis before 2014. “This was preventing the economy from reaching the level which it was worthy of,” Modi said. “The global fraternity was worried about the health of this member of the fragile-five club. There was a perception of surrender to existing circumstances.”

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led administration has made things that people thought were impossible possible, the prime minister added. “It was said that making a clean India was impossible, but the people of India are making it possible,” Modi said. “It was said that a corruption-free government in India was impossible, but the people of India have made it possible.”

India is building 100 smart cities across the country, Modi said, adding that the country is also ensuring rapid progress in over 100 aspirational districts. India today has become a net exporter of electricity, he added. “What happened in the past is not in our hands, but what will happen in the future is firmly in our hands,” he said.