The actor who has accused filmmaker Anurag Kashyap of raping her in 2013 on Wednesday tendered her unconditional apology to the Bombay High Court for her remarks against actor Richa Chadha, reported Bar and Bench. Chadha had filed a defamation suit against the actor for trying to unnecessarily “drag her name” in the case. She said on Wednesday that she was “elated with the outcome”.

Along with her apology, the actor also agreed to withdraw all disputed posts uploaded by her against Chadha from all her social media platforms. “The Bombay High Court has accepted the consent terms as an Richa Chadha an unconditional apology and withdrawal of all statements defamatory posts,” Chadha’s team said in a statement, according to NDTV.

Chadha had also named film critic Kamaal R Khan and television channel ABN Telugu in her plea, seeking Rs 1.1 crore in damages for posting libelous content against her with the intention of maligning her reputation.

During Wednesday’s hearing, Khan also agreed to withdraw the existing disputed content. However, his counsel sought time to file an affidavit. The court granted him four weeks’ time to file an affidavit in reply. Meanwhile, the court passed an interim injunction against ABN Andhrajyothy and another unknown party.

The complainant has accused Kashyap of raping her seven years ago when she had met him for work. She also claimed that Kashyap had mentioned to her that other actors like Chadha, Huma Qureshi and Mahie Gill had granted him sexual favours to bag film assignments. Kashyap has denied all the allegations and called them “an outright lie”. The filmmaker has also produced documentary evidence to show that he was in Sri Lanka in August 2013 to shoot one of his films.