A writ petition has been filed at the Calcutta High Court to revoke the certification of Arindam Sil’s Dhananjoy, reported The Times of India. Sil’s film revisits the case of Dhananjoy Chatterjee, a security guard who was convicted and hanged for the murder of 18-year-old Hetal Parikh in 1990. Chatterjee was thought to have been convicted and hanged in 2004 on the basis of flimsy evidence.

Petitioner Anil Kumar Singh has alleged that the film engages in contempt of court and character assassination of the victim. “The petitioner has raised objections over the film mentioning a probable chance of the victim engaging in consensual sex and crime being a result of honour killing,” the report said. It quoted the petitioner’s lawyer, “Neither of the facts have been corroborated by authentic evidence or vetted by any judicial forum. Showing such a film can derail the fight by all rape victims to get justice.”

Singh also questioned the hurry in presenting the film with a certificate: “... such certification for public exhibition with adult tag and with a disclaimer notice that the same is a fiction is nothing but camouflage and eye wash and obtained on extraneous consideration.”
