A television series spin-off from the hugely successful Jason Bourne franchise titled Treadstone is in the works, according to reports. The series will explore the black ops programme by the Central Intelligence Agency named Operation Treadstone, which turns agents into superhuman assassins. The first season will follow sleeper agents located across the world while they obey orders and carry out deadly missions.
Matt Damon, who featured in four of the five Bourne films, will not be a part of the series. Production on NBC Universal’s USA Network series will begin in 2019. The pilot episode will be directed by Ramin Bahrani.
The Bourne film franchise is based on the novels by Robert Ludlum, and centres on Jason Bourne, a CIA assassin who is suffering from memory loss and must determine exactly who he is. The franchise began in 2002 with Doug Liman’s The Bourne Identity. It was followed by The Bourne Supremacy (2004), The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) and Jason Bourne (2016), all directed by Paul Greengrass, and Tony Gilroy’s The Bourne Legacy (2012).