The American television crime drama The Sopranos turned 20 on Thursday. Created and written by David Chase, the acclaimed drama traces the lives of Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), his wife Carmela (Edie Falco), his psychiatrist (Lorraine Bracco), his protege and cousin (Michael Imperioli), and his children (Robert Iler and Jamie-Lynn Sigler).
Fans commemorated the show’s rich legacy by remembering some of its best moments.
The show’s producer and broadcaster, HBO, had other plans. The network offered Soprano nicknames to fans. Roger Federer, Kumail Nanjiani, Jack Dorsey, Stephen Colbert and Macaulay Culkin were some of the celebrities who participated in the exercise.
Some of the most innovative names went to companies and television channels including Tinder, Giphy, History Channel and Comedy Central .
However, one nickname was turned down for obvious reasons.
The Sopranos was first aired on HBO on January 10, 1999. The Emmy-decorated series spanned six seasons and 86 episodes, and concluded in June 2007. James Gandolfini died of a heart attack in 2013.