Watch: Actor Nimrat Kaur joins viral ‘Meow Meow Meri Sakhi’ trend with her pet cat
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Caught on camera: Sloth bear chases away two young tigers at national park in Uttar Pradesh
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Adorable animals: Playful elephant calf keeps stopping cleaner from raking leaves
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Watch: Police horse interrupts officer during interview, leaving him and journalist in splits
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Watch: US wildlife centre worker wears fox mask to care for rescued orphaned cub
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Watch: Seagull brings her baby to meet the pet cat she has been visiting daily
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Watch: Huge crocodile strays into banana plantation in Tamil Nadu’s Coimbatore district
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Watch: Huge snake spotted on curtain rods in a room of a military station in West Bengal
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Watch: Cheetah brought from South Africa gives birth to five cubs at Kuno National Park in MP
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Watch: Cow moos just as priest asks if anyone knows why the wedding should not be conducted
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Watch: Family of leopards roams freely in residential quarters of Ordnance Factory in Jabalpur, MP
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Watch: Leopard wanders into office, 12-year-old boy playing games on phone calmly locks it inside
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Watch: This dog took up the goalkeeper’s role during ice-hockey practice and saved all goals
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Caught on camera: An elephant and a government bus face off in the darkness on a highway
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Watch: Five-day-old leopard cub reunited with its mother by rescuers, forest staff in Maharashtra
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Watch: Baby elephant is stranded in canal, forest staff rescue it after mother tries but fails
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Watch: Fishermen release Olive Ridley turtles caught accidentally in their nets back in the sea
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Watch: Meet Jameela, a premature baby gorilla born through cesarean delivery in US zoo
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Watch: Driver of tourist jeep stops charging wild elephant with deft manoeuvre
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Watch: Family conducts traditional pre-birthing ceremony for pet dog with feast and gifts
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