British empire
Podcast: British imperialism, Bombay business – the India-Ireland connection through time
Dinyar Patel
The art of opium: How the intoxicating drug and its trade captivated artists
A postcard from India: How a colonial worldview travelled the Empire and beyond
Omar Khan
London too played a role when the British discussed India’s constitutional future with Gandhi
Stephen Legg, The Conversation
Opinion: With the Queen’s death, the system of looting and genocide she represented should end too
Rafia Zakaria,
How hostilities between the US and Britain affected the whale oil trade in the 19th century
Jessica Gregory
‘A grand new palace of administration’: When Britain’s India Office got a new address in 1867
Margaret Makepeace
‘I wish to remain in Bombay’: Testimony of liberated enslaved women in 19th century
Susannah Gillard
Nom-dom status and other imperial policies that still influence life in Britain today
Hunter Harris, The Conversation
Interview: Priya Satia on the ‘earnestly deliberate hypocrisy’ of the British Empire
Rohan Venkataramakrishnan
When the British asked the French to jail Madame Cama, the ‘mother of Indian revolution’
John O’Brien
In the 1830s, children from orphan asylums in Madras were sent to New South Wales
Margaret Makepeace
In 1830s Persia, ill-considered favours by a British official put his successor in a tight spot
Curstaidh Reid
Britain’s fixation with Suez Canal was as much about controlling Egypt as it was about global trade
Jonathan Parry, The Conversation
Before Suez Canal, the British had considered another trade route to Asia
Matt Griffin
This ambitious history of the British Empire touches on everything from the Mahabharata to Marx
Kim A Wagner
Politics, revelry and massacres: East India Company logs reveal what happened on trade ships
Susannah Gillard
Did Indigenous Canadians help Indian immigrants aboard the Komagata Maru in 1914?
Ali Kazimi, The Conversation
New soil study confirms 1943 Bengal famine was caused by Winston Churchill’s policies, not drought
Scroll Staff
UN has called out shameful British colonialism by urging it to return Chagos Islands to Mauritius
Miriam Bak McKenna, The Conversation