Forest Rights Act
Great Nicobar Island project violates several laws, rights of Shompen: Petition in Calcutta HC
Pankaj Sekhsaria
How habitat rights protect livelihood, cultural heritage of vulnerable Adivasi tribes
Shuchita Jha
Ensure adherence to law protecting forest-dwelling communities from eviction, Centre tells states
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Supreme Court’s order on ‘sacred groves’ shows attempt to move beyond narrow definition of forests
Shashank Pandey Stuti Rastogi
Tamil Nadu ban on grazing inside sanctuary threatens livelihood of Adivasis, forest inhabitants
George Rajasekaran
The contradictions of the increase in India’s tiger population
Interview: Fight to save Hasdeo has shown that forests belong to everyone
Simrin Sirur
To compensate for mining projects, Adivasi land in Jharkhand is being taken over for afforestation
Tanvi Deshpande,
Adivasis fear loss of land and livelihood as a Rajasthan sanctuary gets upgraded to a tiger reserve
Aishwarya Mohanty,
Amendment to forest conservation act leaves 28% of India’s forest cover vulnerable
Zaina Azhar Sayeda,
How Adivasis in an MP village are being dispossessed: First for ‘development’, now ‘afforestation’
Akanksha Mishra
How wildlife conservation laws and policies have reduced the Forest Rights Act to a paper tiger
Afrah Asif Garima Sidar
How Tamil Nadu has denied its forest dwellers their land rights
Jeff Joseph
In MP’s Baigachak, tribal residents know little about the special rights granted to the region
Alok Prakash Putul
Battered by climate change, Central India’s forest products are disappearing
Mridula Chari
How to cheat forest dwellers of their rights (and enable mining)
Ishan Kukreti
Eco India: How Gujarat's Adivasi communities claimed property rights with the aid of simple GPS tech
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In J&K, the government started a massive encroachment drive. Then it remembered forest rights
Safwat Zargar
Forest Rights Act to be implemented in Jammu and Kashmir
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Over 13,000 families living in 26 ‘protected areas’ displaced between 1999 to 2019, shows study
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