In a new book, a doctor argues that mindfulness and positive emotions boost the health of the heart
Jonathan Fisher
What are the effects on the body of running every day?
Jonathan Melville, The Conversation Matthew Slater, The Conversation
Boccaccio, Shakespeare, Kundera: The heart as a vehicle of love and human goodness in literature
Vincent M Figueredo
Has Covid-19 left our hearts weaker? Medical opinion is divided
Tabassum Barnagarwala
Can you die of extreme happiness or grief? Here’s what the science says
Adam Taylor, The Conversation
Binge drinking can cause ‘holiday heart syndrome’ – a condition where the organ beats abnormally
David C Gaze, The Conversation
How Indian families can reduce their risk of heart disease, according to a new study
Vandita Awasthi, IndiaSpend.com
Fitness watch: Can over-exercising really block up your arteries?
Matthew Farrow, The Conversation
Watch: A heart was revived after the person it belonged to died. Freya Heddington received it
Scroll Staff
Why medical science needs to return to viewing the heart as an emotional object
Sandeep Jauhar
Watch: How a spinach leaf can be turned into a 'mini human heart' which can save lives
Scroll Staff