‘End of a glorious chapter’: A journalist’s first-person account of Bhagat Singh’s execution
Chander Mohan Jyotsna Mohan
‘Hat-tricky’, ‘BJP falls short’: How newspapers reported Lok Sabha election results
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Don’t use newspapers to pack or store food items, food regulator tells vendors, consumers
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‘Historic and magical win’: Media focuses on BJP retaining Gujarat, downplays Himachal loss
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‘Inside the Critics’ Circle’: This book gives a sociologist’s perspective on contemporary reviewing
Ronan McDonald, The Conversation
‘Hindutva Pradesh’: What front pages said about BJP’s sweeping Assembly elections win
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Indian newspapers ask Google to pay them for using their content
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The fight against climate change has a class problem
Catherine Happer, The Conversation
An Australian newspaper’s idea for growth: Pay reporters bonuses for clicks
Leon Gettler, The Conversation
Assam: Newspapers to boycott state government news and ads for three days to protest ‘apathy’
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In the US, violence against the media is on the rise – but it is not a new phenomenon
Michael J Socolow, The Conversation Jennifer E Moore, The Conversation
Jammu and Kashmir: Newspapers publish blank editorials in protest against Shujaat Bukhari’s killing
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‘Shujaat silenced’: Kashmir dailies carry dark front pages after editor Shujaat Bukhari’s murder
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‘Yogi’s Gorakhpur falls’: What front pages had to say about BJP’s bye-poll losses
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For India’s docile media, a lesson in press freedom from 18th century Calcutta
Anu Kumar
A century ago, the progressives were the ones shouting ‘fake news’
Matthew Jordan, The Conversation
A poll dance called ‘Budget Natyam’: Front pages sniff ‘pollitics’ in Jaitley’s Budget before 2019
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New-look ‘Guardian’: Modern colours and a new tabloid format, but it’s still the paper I know
Arlene Lawler, The Conversation
Facebook is testing paywalls and subscription models for its Instant Articles feature
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‘Enable a free fourth estate’: Newspapers in Nagaland condemn threats to journalists in the state
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