Sex Ratio
India’s sex ratio normalises slightly, study finds
Scroll Staff
Does India really need a two-child law?
Shreya Khaitan,
UN report says 4.6 lakh girls were ‘missing’ at birth in India each year from 2013 to 2017
Scroll Staff
Haryana’s sex ratio is improving, but a lot remains to be done to change mindsets
Sadhika Tiwari and Sana Ali,
Tamil Nadu’s sex ratio mystery: Why is the number of female babies dropping in some districts?
S Senthalir
The Readers’ Editor writes: Here’s proof that the print media in India is alive and kicking
Kalpana Sharma
Southern states show sharp decline in child sex ratio at birth, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka worst
Scroll Staff
Southern states show sharp decline in child sex ratio at birth, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka worst
Scroll Staff
Global gold prices and female infanticide in India are linked, claims a new study
Sonia Bhalotra, The Conversation
An all-male panel decided to recommend mandatory sex-determination for all pregnant women
Priyanka Vora
One step forward, two back – India’s uneven progress in correcting gender imbalance
Menaka Rao
Google, Microsoft and Yahoo must filter out sex determination content online within 36 hours: SC
Scroll Staff
More male foetus abortions than female? Official data indicates vast under-reporting
Chaitanya Mallapur,
Education not diminishing India’s preference for boys
Tanay Sukumar,
Why Haryana CM's claim that state's sex ratio has improved is dangerous for women
Kalpana Sharma