In an infinite growth paradigm, even electric vehicles will be utterly unsustainable
Chirag Dhara and Vandana Singh, Scientific American
Business schools in India are slowly embracing sustainability
Shweta Thakur Nanda
Eco India, Episode 101: How our fast-moving lifestyles are impacting the environment
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Eco India, Episode 96: Is environmentally-friendly food-for-all still a distant dream?
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Eco India, Episode 83: With modern society becoming more urbanised, what is the future of forests?
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Special Episode: A look back at some of our favourite Eco India stories from across India and Europe
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Eco India, Episode 80: Many conscientious urban-dwellers are living more sustainable and green lives
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Eco India, Episode 77: How innovations in education can help us keep moving to a greener future
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Eco India, Episode 76: Preserving the safe havens that protect the world's biodiversity
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Eco India, Episode 65: Are economic growth and the environment always destined to be at loggerheads?
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It turns out that capitalism may be able to fix the evils of capitalism
Elizabeth Schmidt, The Conversation
Eco India, Episode 43: The environmental and social impacts of food losses and food wastage
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Eco India, Season Premiere: Why our unsustainable farming practices require an urgent rethink
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Eco India: Meet the guardians of Delhi’s green spaces
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Eco India, Episode 37: How a Delhi organisation is helping preserve the city's green heritage
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Eco India, Episode 33: The first step to turning the tide on textile waste? Upcycled fashion
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Eco India, Episode 43: The environmental and social impacts of food losses and food wastage
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Eco India, Episode 40: Why our unsustainable farming practices require an urgent rethink
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Eco India: Meet the guardians of Delhi’s green spaces
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Eco India, Episode 37: How a Delhi organisation is helping preserve the city's green heritage
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