How push from survivors and an HIV support group led to a cheaper tuberculosis drug
Tabassum Barnagarwala
The TB-free Award given to Karnataka and Jammu & Kashmir doesn’t mean the states are free of TB
Merin Mathew,
Johnson & Johnson’s tuberculosis drug patent rejected, treatment likely to get cheaper
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Watch: Bill Gates joins comedian Aiyyo Shraddha to raise awareness and bust myths about tuberculosis
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Doctors are using this century-old vaccine against everything from cancer to Covid
Steven Smith, The Conversation
Should India fight leprosy with an antibiotic that might lead to TB drug resistance?
Tabassum Barnagarwala
Six-month-long treatment regimen effective for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, finds new trial
Tabassum Barnagarwala
In Uttarakhand, the government is falling short in supporting tuberculosis patients
Varsha Singh,
A new book examines how tuberculosis affects marginalised populations, including transgender people
Radheshyam Jadhav
Why India must urgently tackle the challenge of multidrug resistant pathogens
Sreeparna Chattopadhyay V Srinidhi
Charting the way forward to tackle the twin threats of TB and Covid-19
Priya Dutt
TB survivors should have been central to redesigning care policies, not reduced to an afterthought
Ashna Ashesh Chapal Mehra
The availability of an accurate, affordable diagnosis remains a weak link in India’s TB care
Ashna Ashesh Bulbul Sharma
TB and mental health concerns have to be addressed together – urgently
Sandhya Krishnan Keyuri Bhanushali
In India’s battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, TB care has suffered collateral damage
Chapal Mehra Ashna Ashesh
A new TB vaccine could be a game changer for India and South Africa
Matthew Quaife, The Conversation Finn McQuaid, The Conversation
The backstory: How falling ill changed my perspective on life – and journalism
Johanna Deeksha
A survivor’s take: Why India must ensure a shorter oral regimen to treat drug-resistant TB
Debshree Lokhande
On World Mental Health Day, it’s time to recognise that TB affects more than just the patient’s body
Ashna Ashesh Keyuri Bhanushali
Top 10 updates: Covid can make a person more susceptible to TB but no direct link yet, says Centre
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