‘It’s pretty hard to explain’: Watch product manager’s hilarious struggle to explain his job
Have you ever met a product manager at a party?
Product Managers at parties pic.twitter.com/IyCkffJI2H
— Sanjeev NC (@yenceesanjeev) November 20, 2021
Power, privilege, peril: The many hues of Bangladesh’s green passport
How students of Calcutta’s Hindu College created an idea of ‘the people of India’ under British rule
Does Arambai Tenggol’s decision to surrender arms reflect a changed reality in Manipur?
‘The Lone Wolf’: A military biography of grit and fortitude during India’s 1971 war with Pakistan
A new book recommends ways to create the best possible environment for emotional healing
Court acquittal three years on is cold comfort for Muslim man rebuilding life after demolition
The flight of the florican: An ornithologist’s lifelong quest to save a terrestrial bird
India has 73 million single women. What is love in their lives like?
After US climate agency cuts, India scientists warn of monsoon, cyclone forecast risks
‘A creative narrative based on facts’: How anthropologist Irawati Karve’s biography was written
Product Managers at parties pic.twitter.com/IyCkffJI2H
— Sanjeev NC (@yenceesanjeev) November 20, 2021