Watch: This elderly couple had a moving encounter with a photographer as they drank their tea
Photographer Sutej Singh Pannu left the couple pleasantly surprised with instant prints of the photographs he took.
this is beautiful ❤️
— Punjabi Touch (@PunjabiTouch) February 14, 2023
🎥: sutejpannu
this is beautiful. more photographers need to share their work like this.
— Vijar Kohli (@VijarKohli) February 14, 2023
This made me tear up. Thank you for this joyful share
— Monica Jasuja (@jasuja) February 14, 2023
Now that’s real valentine ♥️
— Brown Shortie (@abledunable) February 14, 2023
Such a classic I AM NOT CRYING, YOU ARE video 🤩😍
— Rohit (@rohitraaj) February 15, 2023