Caught on camera: Protesters ram into door of Mexico’s presidential palace using a pickup truck
Hundreds gathered to protest over the disappearance of 43 students in 2014 even as President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador held a press conference.
El gobierno ha ignorado y descalificado a los padres de los estudiantes desaparecidos de #Ayotzinapa, hasta que una protesta irrumpió en la puertas de lugar donde vive y gobierna el presidente de 🇲🇽. Ante la injusticia cualquier mecanismo para protestar es legítimo👊🏾🔥.
— Voices in Movement (@VIM_Media) March 7, 2024
El gobierno que se siente cuidado por el Pueblo®️ se amuralla para que las protestas del pueblo no le afecten
— GONZALO OLIVEROS (@goliveros) March 7, 2024
The mothers & fathers of 43 disappeared Normalista students have set up a permanent protest camp in front of the National Palace in Mexico City. They placed a banned saying, “We demand to talk with the President” & are requesting that the army turn over 800 missing documents.✊🏿🧵
— Voices in Movement (@VIM_Media) March 5, 2024
Mexico City: The Embassy has received reports of violence at a planned protest at the National Palace, near the Zocalo, in the historic city center. Past demonstrations have turned violent. Mexican law prohibits political activities by foreign citizens, and participation may…
— Travel - State Dept (@TravelGov) March 6, 2024