Barbie bows to diversity with three new sizes, seven skin tones, 22 eye colours and a lot more
She can be petite, tall or curvy, besides the original form.
For those troubled by pop culture's standards of beauty, take heart from Mattel's new line of Barbies. Barbie at 57 has finally evolved beyond a single figure to include three new sizes – petite, tall and curvy, in addition to the original.
That's not all, the features have also been expanded to include seven different skin tones, 22 eye colours, 30 hair colours (including blue), 24 hair styles and 14 face sculpts. The move was unveiled with a Time magazine cover story.
The original Barbie – who, scientists have said, would not be able to support her weight on her legs and walk if she were a real woman – will continue alongside these more "life-like" versions. The proportions of the original were a cause of outrage for many, possibly prompting this redesign.
The California-based doll manufacturer has seen a constant decline in sales since 2012. With these new designs the hope is to attract new customers and address parental concerns on unhealthy and unrealistic standards of beauty.
These variations in size also mean that not every piece of Barbie clothing will fit every doll. A problem the company has anticipated and has set up a separate complaint line for, according to Elle magazine.
But critics say the focus is still too much on beauty.
Mattel has released a new realistic Barbie. She suffered as a result of de-industrialisation in the West and saw her real income decline.
— Karl Sharro (@KarlreMarks) January 28, 2016
Great, but..."The new additions...won't be elbowing aside the original Barbie, who will still dominate shelves"
— Nehmi (@nehminehms) January 29, 2016
Are the new #Barbie shapes going to make the doll more popular? Popular with whom? On @Quora #culture #bodyimage
— Shefaly (@shefaly) January 29, 2016