
Poet Rabia Kapoor is only 18, but she's already got a handle on things and some pent up hatred for extroverts.

"I wish I was the kind of person who gave their audiences goosebumps, the kind of people who know when to raise their voices and when to drop it to a whisper, the people who have crowds around them at parties because they are telling some amazing stories with no actual beginning, middle or end but they have so much charm that the other guests? They're practically applauding by the end of it...B**t****s."

Kapoor, who is actor-director Rajat Kapoor's daughter, also apologises in the piece for "Most of all, I am sorry this poem is offensive to extroverts because honestly...F**k you."

Don't worry, it's not all bad for introverts.

In 2012, Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking gave a popular Ted Talk on ideas spun off from her book. Although the way she gave her talk might be too much like the one derided in the video above, Cain provides deep insights into the way introverts function and are needed in a work space, and debunks the idea that introverts must be converted to extroverts if they are to be successful.


But still, if you are an introvert, here's something to help you – a party survival guide for introverts. It begins reassuringly. "If a large party looks as daunting to you as an overdue trip to the dentist, you are not alone. In fact, you might be one of the estimated 30 per cent of the population that's introverted."


Don't know where you fall in this great divide? Here's an introversion test to find out if you belong. Sign No. 1: You prefer to hang out with just one person at a time.


Still confused? Here's another video to break it down for you, (Introverts be warned, the speaker seems too much of an extrovert). "So, I have been trying to figure out the best way to figure out the difference between extroverted people and introverted people and what I have come up with is this wired Xbox controller. See, this controller only gets power when it is plugged into the system while you play. If you unplug it, it doesn't work. This is an extroverted controller. Now, this is an Xbox controller with a rechargeable battery, it sits all alone on this charging station...this is an introverted controller."


Here's Indian comic artist Biswa Kalyan Rath talking about "Extroverts and Chaos". "Extroverts wake up every day and say 'Insaan kaha hain? (where are the people?)'"


There are very few videos on the internet dealing with extroversion. Perhaps they are too busy talking to people and being cool and have no time to make videos about being extroverted. Here's the only one we could find. A TedX talk in defence of extroverts. She begins by talking about an experience at work where the feedback she received was, "Her cheerfulness belies her intelligence and seniority."
