
In the aftermath of the shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, it was school students who made the strongest protests against America’s gun laws, that allow even mentally disturbed people to buy guns without background checks.

Speaking for her fellow-students, Emma Gonzalez of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School gave a searing speech (video above), pointing out that 19-year-old Nikolaus Cruz, who killed 17 students and injured many others, was known to have a psychological problem and should never have been allowed to have a gun in the first place. “He wouldn’t have hurt so many people with a knife,” she said, as listeners roared in approval.

Gonzalez’s speech, in which she called out US President Donald Trump for receiving $30 million from the National Rifle Association, was part of a nationwide student movement in the USA which will see school students walk out of their schools in mass protest on April 20, demanding that the laws be changed.

“Shame on you,” was the leitmotif of Gonzalez’s speech and the response of the listeners.