Watch: Youth for Climate ends sit-in at the European Parliament
The Brussels chapter of Youth for Climate protested until they had assurance of a pro-climate vote at the European Parliament.
We are doing a sit-in in the European Parliament.
— Youth for Climate Belgium (@youth4climateBE) October 16, 2019
“No new commission until i’ts a socially justified, climate commission!” #voteForMyFuture
In a protest that began on October 16, Youth for Climate Belgium (one chapter of a formal and informal international network of young people protesting for climate action), began its sit-in at the European Parliament. For two days, its members went strong and continued the protest, with activists asserting that they did not intend to leave until they had the assurance that Members of European Parliament would vote in favour of pro-climate policies.
“We are doing this just one week before the most important vote in the next 5 years in the European Parliament,” the group said in a Facebook post. At this point the level of climate ambition of the new Commission is really too low. Now more than ever is the time to demand climate guarantees before the vote on the installation of the new European Commission.”
Protesters can be heard chanting “right here, right now,” inspired by Greta Thunberg’s inspiring speech at the UN Climate Summit this year, before breaking into “What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now.”
Another Facebook post from the group on October 18 detailed that they had left the parliament, and while they were happy with the engagement of MEPs, they urged Brussels’ youth to come out on the streets later this month to hold ministers accountable to their words.