climate change
In pictures: Delhi’s water crisis has claimed three lives this summer and it’s only getting worse
Aabid Shafi
Resilient cities: How we can design urban spaces to cope better with climate change
Dave Kendal Joshua Lewis
A fish species in Lakshadweep is tweaking its feeding behaviour to deal with climate change
Sahana Ghosh
Africa’s ancient baobab trees are being killed by climate change
Aida Cuní Sanchez, The Conversation
‘At dead level’: Why Pakistan is fast running out of water
Rina Saeed Khan, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Climate change is making rice less nutritious, putting millions of the world’s poor at risk
Kristie Ebi, The Conversation
Children’s books can do more to inspire the new generation of Earth warriors
Gary Haq, The Conversation
Tracking climate change: Scientists confirm massive retreat of Pindari glacier in the Himalayas
TV Padma
Citizens and politicians are complicit in creating the risks that India faces from climate change
Mridula Ramesh
The Daily Fix: Is India prepared for a monsoon whose patterns are fundamentally changing?
Sruthisagar Yamunan
Photos: How climate change has transformed the Himalayas in Nepal over one decade
Nabin Baral
Shorter, hotter, earlier: In Pakistan, shrinking spring is slashing harvests
Saleem Shaikh, Thomson Reuters Foundation Sughra Tunio, Thomson Reuters Foundation
In Morocco, a project is tackling drought by making water out of fog
Valeria Cardi, Thomson Reuters Foundation
Why we’re drilling into the world’s highest glacier on Everest with a converted car wash
Katie Miles, The Conversation Bryn Hubbard, The Conversation
Overfishing, pollution and climate change have put Kabul river’s Sher Mahi fish in trouble
Adeel Saeed
Arctic reindeer herders find out what they share with Himalayan yak herders at a high-altitude meet
Hanna Lønning Gjerdi
Climate change is changing the reproductive behaviour of the fish in the Sunderbans
Sahana Ghosh
Warmer winters in the Himalayas are triggering avalanches, finds a study of tree rings
Neha Jain
By growing forests in the heart of the city, an entrepreneur is trying to cool Karachi down
Zofeen T Ebrahim
Ozone is posing a challenge to food security – especially in India and China
Sofie Mortensen, The Conversation