JKSSB Advt 4/2021 recruitment: Application begins for 329 Pharmacist, Clerk, Steno and other posts
Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has notified various posts for recruitment in the state Animal /Sheep husbandry and Fisheries Dept.

The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has commenced the online application process for various posts for recruitment in the state Animal /Sheep husbandry and Fisheries Department. Interested candidates can apply for the vacancies till September 6 at the official website ssbjk.org.in.
As per the recruitment advertisement (Advt No. 04/2021), JKSSB has notified a total of 329 vacancies in the department. The vacancies include posts of Junior Assistant, Veterinary Pharmacist, Stenographer, Deputy Inspectors, among others.
Candidates are advised to read the official notification available at the JKSSB website jkssb.nic.in in details for more information.
Here’s JKSSSB recruitment advertisement 4/2021.
Eligibility criteria
Age limit: 40 years. The upper age limit is relaxable for reserved categories.
Educational qualification: Graduates and Matriculation from recognised education board. Post-wise specific qualification is given in the advertisement.
Selection process
JKSSB will select candidates on the basis of a competitive written exam which will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions. Skill Test will be conducted for appropriate posts. Selected candidates will then be called for document verification.
Application fee
Candidates have to pay an online application fee of Rs 350.
Steps to apply for JKSSB recruitment Advt 4/2021:
- Visit official website ssbjk.org.in
- Click on the apply link for Advt 3/2021
- Sign up and create a profile to register
- Login and apply for the desired post
- Fill application form, upload documents, pay fee and submit
- Download form and take printout.
Here’s direct link to apply for JKSSB recruitment Advt 04/2021.