APSC CCE answer key 2020: Last day to raise objection at apsc.nic.in
Today, September 27, is the last day to raise objection to the answer key of the Assam Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination, 2020.

Today, September 27, is the last day to raise objection to the answer key of the Assam Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination, 2020. The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) released the provisional answer key on September 20. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check and download the provisional answer key from the official website apsc.nic.in. APSC has also released the ‘Answer Key Claim Format’.
The applicants can challenge the answer key — GS (PAPER-I) GS (PAPER-II) via e-mail at apscanske)rclaim@gmail.com latest by September 27, 2021. No claim for correction of Answer Key will be entertained if the same is not supported by specific documents.
“Candidates are requested to visit the website and if any Answer Key, in his/her opinion appears to be incorrect, he/she may submit objection along with supporting documents etc. to substantiate the claim by e-mail to apscanske)rclaim@gmail.com latest by 27/0912021 for taking necessary action,” reads the notification.
Here’s APSC CCE answer key 2020 notification.
The APSC CCE 2020 was conducted on September 12 in 32 district headquarters of Assam including Barpeta, Biswanath Chariali, Bongaigaon, Dhemaji, Dhubri, Dibrugarh, and others.
Steps to download APSC answer key:
- Visit the official website apsc.nic.in
- On the homepage, click on “Answer Key” tab under Important Links section
- Click on “ANSWER KEY CLAIM FORMAT, GS (PAPER-I) and GS (PAPER-II)” under The provisional Answer Keys of the MCQ OMR based Combined Competitive(Preliminary) Examination,2020 vide Advt.No 08/2020 dated 08-09-2020
- The answer key will appear on screen
- Check and download the answer key
- Take a print for future reference
Here’s direct link to GS (Paper-I) answer key.
Here’s direct link to GS (Paper-II) answer key.
Here’s direct link to Answer Key Claim Format.
Those who will qualify the Preliminary Examination of the APSC Combined Competitive Exam, 2020 will have to appear for the Main Exam for recruitment to the services/posts including — Assam Civil Service (Jr.Grade), Assam Police Service (Jr.Grade), Superintendent of Taxes, Labour Inspector, Inspector of Excise and others.
The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 331 vacancies.