OSSSC Combined Recruitment Exam 2021 registration deadline extended for 2841 posts
Odisha Sub-Ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC) has extended the deadline to register and apply online for Combined Recruitment Exam 2021.

Odisha Sub-Ordinate Staff Selection Commission (OSSSC) has extended the deadline to register and apply online for Combined Recruitment Exam 2021 for various Group C posts. Interested candidates can apply on the official website osssc.gov.in. The last day to register is October 27 whereas registered candidates can submit applications till October 31.
The OSSSC Combined Recruitment Exam 2021 is being conducted to fill up a total of 2841 District/division cadre Group C posts of Statistical Field Surveyor, Forest Guard, Assistant Revenue Inspector, Amin and Excise Constable under different departments of the Odisha Government.
Here’s OSSSC Combine recruitment 2021 deadline extension notice.
Job Vacancy
- Statistical Field Surveyor: 529
- Assistant Revenue Inspector: 576
- Amin: 538
- Forest Guard: 806
- Excise Constable: 392
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: The applicants should have attained the age of 21 years and should not be more than the age of 32 years as on January 1, 2021. However, the minimum age limit for the post of Forest Guard is 18 years.
Educational Qualification:
Statistical Field Surveyor: Higher Secondary Education (10+2) (CHSE, CBSE, ICSE, or equivalent).
Assistant Revenue Inspector: Higher Secondary Education (10+2) conducted by (CHSE or equivalent there to from a recognised board or diploma in engineering from the institution under state council for technical education and vocational training, Odisha affiliated to AICTE having knowledge in computer application)
Amin: Higher Secondary Education (10+2) conducted by (CHSE or equivalent there to from a recognised board or diploma in engineering from the institution under state council for technical education and vocational training, Odisha affiliated to AICTE having knowledge in computer application)
Forest Guard: HSCE (10+) from recognised board or institution.
Excise Constable: Matriculation or equivalent HSC or equivalent.
Here’s OSSSC Combined Recruitment Exam 2021 notification.
Steps to apply for OSSSC Combined Recruitment 2021:
- Visit the official website osssc.gov.in
- On the homepage, click on “Apply Online”
- Click on New User and register
- Log in to the portal and fill up the application form
- Submit and take a printout for future reference
The written examination is tentatively scheduled to be conducted in the month of November 2021 in all districts. The date, time and venue will be intimated to the eligible candidates through the admission letters to be issued in due course of time, OSSSC has said.