HSSC SI Female final result 2021 announced
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has announced the final result of the Haryana Police Sub Inspector (Female) recruitment exam 2021.

The Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has announced the final result of the Haryana Police Sub Inspector (Female) recruitment exam 2021. The result merit list has been uploaded at the Commission’s official website hssc.gov.in.
The merit list contains the roll number of candidates selected for recruitment on the basis of Written Examination, PST, PMT, Scrutiny of Documents and Socio-economic criteria for the post of Sub Inspector (Female) against Advt. No.03/2021, Category No.02.
The Haryana Police SI Female PMT and document scrutiny were held on October 20 for shortlisted candidates. The PST round was conducted on October 11, 13 and 14 for candidates who qualified the written exam. The HSSC recruitment drive aims to fill up to 65 posts of Sub Inspector (Female) in Group C under the Haryana Police department.
Steps to download HSSC SI Female result 2021:
- Visit the official website hssc.gov.in
- Under Result section, click on link “Final Result for the post of Sub Inspector (Female), Cat. No. 02”
- The HSSC SI female result merit list will appear on the screen
- Check result by searching for roll number (Ctrl+F)
- Take a printout for future reference.
Here’s Haryana Police Female SI final result 2021.
“The result has been shown category wise and merit wise and the marks secured by the Iast selected candidate in each category have been shown in the bracket. The result shall be read row wise in order of merit from left to right,” HSSC said.