Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) has declared the result of the HP Administrative Service Combined Competitive Prelim Exam 2020. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can check the result at the official website hppsc.hp.gov.in.

The HPAS preliminary exam 2020 was conducted on September 26 in 133 examination centres at District Headquarter/Sub-Division level in 10 Districts of HP. A total of 30625 candidates were admitted, of which 18078 candidates appeared in Paper-I and 17765 in Paper-II. The answer keys were released in September.

A total 348 candidates have qualified for the HPAS Main (written) Examination-2020 to be held in the month of December 2021. The merit list contains the roll numbers of qualified candfidates.

Steps to check HPPSC HPAS result 2020:

  1. Visit the official website hppsc.hp.gov.in
  2. On the homepage, click on “Regarding result of Himachal Pradesh Administrative Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination-2020” under What’s New section
  3. The HPAS prelims result will appear on screen
  4. Check result by searching roll number (CTRL+F)
  5. Take a printout for future reference.

Here’s HPPSC HPAS result 2020.

The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 16 posts in different state government departments.