BPSC 67th CCE Prelims deferred; check details here
BPSC has deferred the 67th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Exam (CCE) due to unavoidable reasons.

Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has deferred the 67th Combined (Preliminary) Competitive Exam (CCE) due to unavoidable reasons. The exam was scheduled to be conducted on January 23, 2022.
The new schedule shall be released on Commission’s official website bpsc.bih.nic.in in due course of time.
Here’s direct link to the notification.
The recruitment drive is being conducted for the recruitment to 726 posts in the state government.
Selection Process
The applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Personality Test.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.