WB Police answer key 2021 released for Wireless Supervisor prelims exam; here’s direct link
Candidates can download their answer key from the official website wbpolice.gov.in.

The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has released the provisional answer key of preliminary exam for recruitment to the posts of Wireless Supervisor (Technical) Grade - II today, December 30, 2021. Candidates can download their answer key from the official website wbpolice.gov.in.
The WB Police Wireless Supervisor prelim exam 2021 was conducted on October 31 (Sunday) from 12.00 Noon to 2.00 PM.
“All candidates are advised to compare the answer key with the question paper carefully and bring apparent incongruities, if any, to the notice of the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board by sending the mail (wbprb10@gmail.com) within 07 (seven) days from 30/12/2021,” reads the notice.
Here’s the official notification.
WBPRB had notified 74 vacancies for Wireless Supervisor (Technical) Grade-II in the West Bengal Police Telecommunications department.
Steps to download the answer key
- Visit official website wbpolice.gov.in
- Go to ‘Recruitment’ — ‘Recruitment to the post of Wireless Supervisor (Technical) Grade-II in West Bengal Police Telecommunications 2020’
- Click on the answer key link
- Check and download the answer key
- Take a printout for future reference
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.