DSSSB JE recruitment 2022: Over 600 JE Civil and Electrical posts notified, read details
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has issued two separate notifications for recruitment to over 600 vacancies for the post of Junior Engineers.

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has issued two separate notifications for recruitment to over 600 vacancies for the post of Junior Engineers. Candidates can check and download the notifications from the official website dsssb.delhi.gov.in.
DSSSB has notified 575 vacancies for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil)/ Section Officer (Civil) and 116 vacancies for the post of JE (Electrical)/ Section Officer (Electrical) in various Departments of Government of NCT of Delhi /Autonomous Bodies/Local Bodies. The posts are advertised under Advt 01/2022 (JE Civil) and 02/2022 (JE Electrical).
Candidates can apply online for the post from January 10 to February 9 at the DSSSB website.
Here’s DSSSB JE Civil recruitment 2021 notification.
Here’s DSSSB JE Electrical recruitment 2021 notification.
Eligibility criteria
Age: The minimum age is 18 years while the maximum age is 27-35 years (post-wise).
Educational Qualification: A degree/diploma in Engineering in related trade.
Selection process
DSSSB will conduct examinations (Tier-I & Tier-II) for making recruitment against the vacancies notified above. The date of conduct of examinations will be intimated in due course only through the website of the Board.
Application fee
Candidates have to pay an online application fee of Rs 100. Women/SC/ST/Ex-serviceman categories exempted.