IBPS Clerk Main admit card 2021 released; here’s download link
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the admit card for the Clerk Main exam 2021.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the admit card for the Clerk Main exam 2021. Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website ibps.in using their login details.
The IBPS Clerk Main exam 2021 will be held on January 25. Candidates who have qualified the Clerk preliminary exam are eligible to appear for the exam. The IBPS Clerk prelim result was announced yesterday.
The IBPS Clerk Mian exam will be held in online mode for a duration of 160 minutes. The exam will consist of 4 tests with a total of 190 questions and worth 200 marks. There will be penalty for wrong answers marked in the Objective Tests.
Candidates are advised to read the information handout of the exam available on the IBPS portal.
Steps to download IBPS Clerk Main admit card 2021:
- Visit the official website ibps.in
- Click on the Clerk main admit card link
- Key in your registration/roll number and date of birth to login
- The IBPS Clerk Main admit card will appear on screen
- Download and take a printout for future reference.
Here’s direct link to download IBPS Clerk Main admit card 2021.
The IBPS Clerk recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up more than 7800 Clerk vacancies in various participating banks across the country under the Common Recruitment Process (CRP).
The selection of the candidates will be done in three phases — Preliminary Exam, Main Exam and Interview round.