ICAI CA Inter result announced for December 2021 session; here’s direct link
The Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAI) has announces the result of the CA Intermediate December 2021 exam today.

The Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAI) has announces the result of the CA Intermediate December 2021 exam today.
The Institute conducted the CA Intermediate exam between December 6 and 20. The result is available at the following websites: icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org and icai.nic.in. Candidates can access the result at the above-mentioned websites using their registration no. or PIN no. along with roll number.
Steps to download ICAI CA Inter result 2021:
- Visit the official website caresults.icai.org
- Click on the respective result link
- Key in your login details and submit
- The CA Inter result will appear on screen
- Download and take a printout future reference.
Arrangements have also been made for the candidates of Intermediate Examination (Old course & New Course) desirous of having results on their e-mail addresses to register their requests at the website i.e. icaiexam.icai.org from February 24. All those registering their requests will be provided their results through e-mail on the e-mail addresses registered as above immediately after the declaration of the result, the Institute said.
ICAI has already declared the CA Final and Foundation programme results for December 2021 session.